The buzz of electric scooters has been taking Dubai's streets by storm lately. You can't cruise around the city without spotting these two-wheeled EVs zipping by. While they're a total blast to ride, staying safe needs to be a top priority for all scooterists out there.

    Look, I get it - there's a wicked thrill factor when you hop on that electric steed. Suddenly you've got the power to effortlessly dodge traffic jams and blaze a new route. But with great mobility comes great responsibility to ride responsibly and follow the rules of the road.

    That's why I'm dropping some essential safety knowledge to make sure you kings and queens of the streets don't get caught lacking. This isn't just textbook stuff either - I'm an avid scooterist who's been putting in miles all around Dubai. Let's get into it.

    First up, know the laws and regulations specific to riding electric scooters and similar light electric vehicles in Dubai. There are restrictions on areas and roads where you can operate, speed limits to adhere to, rules about using bike lanes when available, and more. Do your homework because ignorance won't get you off the hook with RTA patrols.

    Next, always wear a helmet - ALWAYS! This isn't negotiable. A head injury could easily turn that joyride into a life-changing nightmare. While we're on protective gear, gloves and knee/elbow pads are smart too since scooter stacks can get pretty gnarly.

    Staying visible is clutch as well. Most electric scooters have headlights and taillights, so use them even during the day. Invest in some reflective gear and avoid all-black outfits that could cause drivers to miss seeing you, especially at night.

    When it comes to actually riding, patience and defensiveness are king. Don't blaze around cars, constantly check over your shoulder, and assume other drivers can't see you. Ride predictably and communicate intentions clearly to others on the road.

    It's also pivotal to maintain your electric scooter through proper charging, cleaning, inspections and repairs. Mechanical failures can lead to nasty accidents. Stick to lower speeds when the battery is low too since acceleration will be sluggish.

    By following best safety practices like these, you'll literally be sacrificing a few minor inconveniences to prevent major life-altering catastrophes on your electric set of wheels.

     At the end of the day, we want to be able to ride our electric scooters freely for years to come. Practicing smart behavior and following the rules will not only keep you secure, but also preserve Dubai's welcoming attitude toward micromobility. So let's keep the vibe positive by putting safety at the forefront - whether it's your morning commute or a weekend cruise, nothing spoils a good ride like a painful accident that could've been avoided.

    Stay vigilant, stay visible, and let's keep raising that safety bar, Dubai scooterists! The roads will be all the better for it.

May 31, 2024 — Deiv Mico